How to Manage Back Pain

How to Manage Back Pain

Published: January 25, 2019

There is likely no other pain more debilitating on body, mind, and spirit than back pain. In San Antonio, back-related pain is one of the leading causes of disability and distress. Back pain symptoms keep people from working, causing the combined population of the United States to miss 264 million days of work on average.

Studies indicate 80% of the population will experience back pain at some point. A June 2018 article of The Lancet, a peer-reviewed medical journal, reported most sufferers of back pain recover from their condition, but many will experience a recurrence, and some will develop disabling constant lower back pain.

After skin conditions and osteoarthritis, chronic back pain is the third most common reason for visits to the doctor’s office, including here in San Antonio. If you are experiencing chronic back pain, no doubt you are looking for relief so you can go back to enjoying the activities you love.

One significant problem affiliated with this type of pain is that many with this condition give in to its limitations and are left feeling frustrated and maybe even hopeless. Dr. Martinez and his team believe everyone can learn how to manage back pain and regain control over their lives. Our team makes this possible with a conservative approach to pain management that includes innovative technologies, expert experience, and client communication.

Easy Ways to Manage Back Pain From Home

1. Watch your posture

Whether engaged in physical activity for work or sitting at a desk or table, it’s critical to avoid a slouching position and to keep your spine erect. When sitting, keep your feet flat on the floor and be sure to use a chair with adequate support for your lower back.

2. Ice and heat an injury

If you suffer an injury to your back, apply ice for up to 72 hours to avoid swelling and ease any pain. Then apply heat to relax the surrounding muscles of the back.

3. Stretch

The muscles of the back are complex, and it’s vital for you to maintain their flexibility. You can accomplish this through a variety of stretches or physical activities such as yoga.

4. Wear the right shoes

Proper footwear will support your lower back and make you more stable as you move. Wearing shoes without the appropriate support over an extended period will put undue pressure on your lower back.

5. Keep your weight in check

The more you exceed a reasonable weight, the more pressure you will put on your lower back. Consult with your physician about the best ways for you to keep up a healthy diet and exercise regime.

6. Sleep well

In addition to getting the right amount of sleep, be sure you are also sleeping on a quality mattress that provides the proper support for your back and the position in which you prefer to sleep.

Even if you are proactive as you learn how to manage back pain, you may still need to talk further with a back pain specialist.

Treating Your Acute or Chronic Back Pain

Dr. Raul Martinez and his team of Texas pain specialists have helped countless men and women in San Antonio not only learn how to manage back pain but also understand how the lower back works to provide a deeper understanding of the treatments we offer. From injections for back pain to non-surgical treatments and, when necessary, surgical options, we provide the latest and most effective solutions to those suffering from back and shoulder pain.

If you have decided it is time to take back control of your life from chronic back pain, we’re ready to help. Dr. Martinez and his staff encourage you to visit one of our local offices so we may discuss what you have already done to manage your back pain and devise a treatment plan tailored to your unique needs and condition.

Click below to schedule your visit today.

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